
Our physiotherapists offer custom orthotics assessments and fittings. Foot orthotics are designed to be inserted into your footwear and work to help properly align your feet. This will help to distribute pressure across your feet to decrease pain and discomfort, as well as correct any postural imbalances that may be present in your legs. Orthotics can help with a variety of conditions including: plantar fasciitis, plantar spurs, shin splints, ankle injuries, arthritis, Achilles tendonitis, and even knee or lower back pain.

During your initial assessment, your physiotherapist will examine the mechanics of your feet and determine whether they think orthotics are the best course of treatment for you. After this initial assessment, the physiotherapist will make a second appointment with you in order to make a mold of your feet which is then used to create your custom orthotics. Once the inserts are completed, the clinic will contact you to arrange another appointment to ensure that the orthotics are fitting properly.

Orthotics are often covered by private insurance plans, though a referral for this coverage is most often required. We suggest you call your insurance provider to confirm you are covered for custom orthotic insoles.  We do not direct bill for custom orthotics; however we will provide you with most of the documents required by insurance providers so you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement.